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Welcome to my Gallery!

Welcome to my Gallery 

The Fulbrighters at Mount Vernon


Vor dem White House - amend the Constitution and let me in. ;-)


Eine deutsch-mexikanische Fulbright-Freundschaft


Unser Konzert auf dem Farewelldinner in Washington, D.C.


Presenting our Certifcates from Georgetown University


Gemeinsam mit anderen deutschen Fulbrightern in Miami



My roommates and me at a snorkeling trip at Key Largo



Hier entstehen die neuen Aufsätze - im Garten hinter dem Haus



Life is full of choices... At a reception for LL.M. students


My Fulbright buddies from Washington, D.C. came down to Miami to visit.



This my favorite spot at my house in Miami.


Behind me you see the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C.